SYTYCD 9.2-Dallas- Zombicisms and Contrarians

Onward and Westward to Dallas:
In the judges seats are Nigel, Mary and Lil' C (who's sporting lensless glasses...bless his hipster heart)

First up, Brie is a mother of 2 who feels guilty about pursuing dance again.  Luke and Stella (the two kids) get a chance to grab attention, which isn't difficult when one is a curly-haired 2-year old dressed all in pink with a tutu.  Her contemporary routine to Ingrid Michaelson's "Sort Of" is pretty great, and I can't help but want to root for this woman.  Even if she does use her kids a little bit.  If I had a kid, I'd do the same thing.  Actually I hope I have a kid just like Stella, who appears to be ridiculously theatrical, although "My Immortal" is an incredibly difficult song NOT to be dramatic to.

Hampton "The Exorcist" Williams  and Stepheon "The Zombie" Stewart are up next.  I don't get the feeling that they arrived together, and they must have been so pissed when they realized that the other one was about to cramp their style.  "The Zombie" seems sillier and acts more like it's a gag, while "The Exorcist" is weirdly serious and talks about crushing up people's souls and then giving them back to them.   I'll skip the soul milkshake if you don't mind.

Mary absolutely cannot stop making noises like she's at a 50's drive-in during Stepheon's routine to "Haunt You".  I'm so distracted by her cackling moans.  But it is an impressive routine.

Just so you know, there's actually going to be a show on Fox in the fall called "The Mob Doctor"...ugh

Hampton is up next and he starts off by telling the judges about the soul-stealing that fuels his moves and it makes everything extremely awkward.  No one decides to gird their souls, it seems, but they do allow him to dance.  Oh no, the music that Stella danced to was Hampton's!  She totally upstaged him.  Hampton's mostly about locking, not curing Regan of her demons, but there is something interesting there.  They let the routine go the whole song.  Mary starts to get teary, some guy in the audience is teary, Hampton's crying (presumably because he's decided to steal Mary's soul) and there's a standing ovation.  Nigel thinks this guy's a genius.  I mean he's good, but I wonder if this is truly that much different from guys who hang out all in silver in Battery Park on Saturdays, but clearly, I don't know anything and that's why I'm not a judge.  Clearly, Mary feels like she has just left a tent revival.  Lil' C is so dramatic.  He's like a walking talking hyperbole.

There's montage of 2 people who look promising and then 5 more post-choreography round contestants.  Proving that Hampton not only stole souls, but also a ton of air time.

Another outstanding Malkovich/Siri commerical.  I'd watch a sitcom based on these spots.

Oh hello Daniel Baker. He's Australian and smartly auditions shirtless. Lil' C looks like he actually wants to punch this guy in the face, while the ladies scream with estrogen-drive delight.  There's a ton of jumps and leaps and strong movements to what sounds like an orchestral arrangement the Mission Impossible theme, but I can't confirm the song choice.  If studying ballet is the only way people can get visas in to the US, I say let's re-arrange the immigration laws immediately.

Sam Shreffler announces that he's studying at the Burkhart Transition Academy for Autism Students & Research and I think we all know where this is heading, correct?  He's going to perform Lyrical Freestyle to Charice's "Pyramid".  In fairness, he has more movement than Mr. Wigglesworth from last episode.  When Nigel asks Sam how it feels to dance, I can't help but thinking this moment in Billy Elliot.  Sam's heading back to Lubbock.

Von Kipper is a man who dresses as a hamster while he's breaking and has a pronounced lisp. And he lives for being contradictory.  Hey Von, antagonizing the judges is a wonderful way to make sure you get air time, and ensure you won't get MORE air time.  He gets cut off and makes excuses about intricate patterns and Nigel yells at him like the British schoolmaster that he always wanted to be.  Feel the shame Von!

Emotional Story of The Night #2 goes to Jarell Rochelle whose mother is going blind.  "It's Good To See You Again" by Scott Alan fits the theme and he's in suspenders and tells a story.  What's not to like?  Lil' C loved every millisecond and he's going to Vegas

Song List:
Tell Me Something I Don't Know-Selena Gomez (judges intros)
Sort Of-Ingrid Michaelson
My Immortal-Evanescence
Feel So Close-Calvin Harris
Haunt You-Flux Pavilion
Cinema-Benny Benassi (Skrillex remix)
It's Good To See You Again-Scott Alan
