#6 of 2009:
Chris Pine:
There was a lot of buzz around Mr. Pine at the beginning to middle of the year, and for good reason. If you're going to helm not only the SS Enterprise, but also one of the most anticipated movies of the year, you're going to get scrutinized. Luckily for Chris Pine, he was good at his job and he looked good doing it! I personally had no problem making the jump from William Shatner to Chris Pine and Star Trek more than lived up to its hype. It's still sitting pretty in my Top 10 of the year! With a sequel pretty much guaranteed (it's up as an "untitled" star trek sequel on IMDB), it doesn't look like Chris or Captain Kirk are going away any time soon! This is good news, and just so JJ Abrams knows his casting options, I'm not averse to dying my skin green, if need be, I mean I'm just saying I know Kirk has a certain...um...fondness for ladies with a little lime-colored tan, and I can easily clear my schedule...just so he knows.