I AM the next American Idol or something like that

OH MAN!!! It's the last performance show, and I'm actually sad about that.  I have no idea what I will do with so much free time on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.  I think next week will feel similar to having a finger cut off, you know that phantom-limb syndrome where you feel like something should be there, but it's just not...so sad.

Ryan sets it up for us: acoustic rock v. glam rock, Conway v. California.  He stops just short of singing "I'm a little bit country/I'm a little bit rock & roll".

WHOA!  Paula's electric green is OUT OF CONTROL and someone's been dipping into Adam's self-tanner too.  Kris apparently won the coin toss, I'm not sure if there was a referee involved.

Three Songs: Oh god, Kara co-wrote one of the songs

1. Their favorite performance from this season
2. A song chosen by Simon Fuller
3. The "winner's" song, co-written by the 4th, most unnecessary judge.  

Seriously, could I love the Snapple Water commercial with the talking animals any more?  Actually, I'm pretty sure I work with that deer that's sitting on top of the copying machine.

Adam's up first and apparently he screamed every night for his first 18 months.  Really doesn't childhood explain everything?  And he chose wisely with "Mad World".  Oh and there's a trench coat involved in this performance, and lots of shadows and smoke.

If you're an Adam fan, it's 01, 03, or 05.  Of course, if you're reading this on Wednesday morning that won't help.  

I think the best adjective for that performance is "atmospheric".  Randy gives an "A for Adam".  Kara calls him an "artist", I know I'm shocked too.  Paula is seriously out of control, that tan, even Ryan is jealous.  Simon is in a jacket and "button-up".  I put button-up in quotes because he's pretty much only used the buttons on the bottom 3, from the waist up, he's unbuttoned.  No I'm serious.  

Kris, is literally the most adorable person ever, he gave out music coupons to his mom, come on now.  Kris is doing "Ain't No Sunshine".  At first, I thought this was a random choice, but man, he sounds pretty smooth on this one.  He's making this much more of a competition than I bet any of those judges thought it would be.  Randy says it's one of his best performances, and Kara talks about how much she "feels" and how "intimate" he is.  Paula's spirit is "awakened".  Simon absolutely takes back any doubt about Kris being in the competition, like I said, it was smooth.
He's 02, 04, 06

Holy Moly, Simon calls it for Kris.  I told my mom last night it might come down to who goes last, and I'm pretty sure I'm still sticking with that.

Ding, Ding Round 2:

A Change is Gonna Come for Adam.  It's just him and 2 guitars, and a decent amount of soul and one glory scream, ok, make that at least 2 glory screams.  He's looking good in his suit thought.  I just realized that Randy is in pink checkered shirt and polka dot tie, weird.  Kara calls it his best performance, and Paula stands up in an attempt to make him the Idol King tonight.  She literally just called him "iconic".  Simon says he's back in the game, like he was ever really out of it?!  I refuse to believe that Adam is the underdog, I won't buy the hogwash you're selling FOX.

What's Going On-Kris Allen.  This one sounds great too.  Not as dramatic as Adam's, but a decent second performance.  I think he at least held his ground and his fans are going to love it.  Randy thinks the song was a little light.  Kara thinks he's the kind of artist that can make "people think, people feel, and people change" maybe the most relevant thing she's had to say the entire season.  Simon didn't love it, he thinks it's "too laid back for a night like this" and he calls round 2 "a million percent" for Adam.  All part of the ploy, kids, don't fall for it.  

We're shown all the people we've voted off.  The only one who should have gone further was Anoop.

Adam's last outfit includes silver lame tights (i need the accent button on lame, because it's not lame like crap, it's lame like the fabric, imagine you're french, or drinking a mccafe).  Oh god, this song is crap.  All I heard was that one of the lyrics included "hurricanes".  Man, this is all that's wrong with pop music.  Is it wrong that I'm laughing already?  

So what I've learned so far, is that Kara has brought absolutely nothing to this season....NOTHING.  She can take this POS song with her when she goes.  Oh please... Paula's at a loss for words, and yet she still keeps on finding some words, even if they don't always go together.  And Simon pretty much crowns him right then and there.  Get out the septor and cape.  Although I do feel vindicated as Simon smirks "it's all the mountains and hurricanes".  It really took 3 people to write that song...really?

Oh God, we have to be subjected to that song again.

Well at least I get to see Ryan Reynolds before I have to sit through "No Boundaries" part dos.
I'm stating again, right here and now that Matthew Morrison is going to have triple the number of webpages dedicated to him between now and September when Glee comes on full time.  He's adorable as well, and I just want to state that before he's a phenomenon.  

Ok, seriously, Kris makes this song sound good.  I don't know why, I believe it more coming from him, I think.  He wants this so bad and that performance showed it, I think.  Where Adam may be more talented, I think Kris has more heart, I mean not that he's a slouch, he plays at least two instruments and I like his voice and style more, but vocally, Adam probably has the upper range, but I'll go with heart every time.

Tomorrow night is the big one!!  2 hour season finale.  OH YAY!!! Carrie Underwood is on!  She's one of my top 2 Idols, if you don't know who the other one is, then you've never met me.  Well I'm probably not as excited for tomorrow night as I was for this time last year, but I'll be here, 8 o'clock sharp to document everything for the generations to come, or at least for the 4 people that know this url!  Thanks Guys!
